Tempted To "Rewrite With AI" On LinkedIn™?
LinkedIn™ is inviting us to rewrite our posts and profiles using AI.
But just because we can, does it mean we should? 🤔
AI is everywhere and is certainly not going away. And whilst it has some major benefits, it equally has some down sides as Nigel Greenwood and I chatted about in last month's LinkedIn LoveIn.
Nigel Greenwood is a customer experience expert and the founder of BuBul: better business building, an intelligent business advice software. He has been working with the University of…
How To Update Your Email On LinkedIn™ - It Should Be Simple But Just Isn't!
Sometimes, things that should be obvious and simple to do on LinkedIn™ . . . well, just aren't.
Continuing my series on “Where The Heck Is That On LinkedIn?!” because sometimes how to do things on LinkedIn are just not obvious!
I’m looking at how you can add, change or update the email address(es) associated with your LinkedIn account.
Which all came about when I was doing some 121 coaching with a client who had their personal email address displayed on LinkedIn and didn’t know how to change …
How Using A Simple Storytelling Formula Can Elevate Your LinkedIn™ Content & Get You Seen As The Best To Buy From!
But with a limited amount of time and space to make an impression, how do you hook your dream clients in just one line without resorting to boring cheesy clichés that anyone can say and mean nothing to your potential clients!
LinkedIn™ Company Pages . . . How To Use Them To Your Advantage!
Since like forever, I’ve been banging on about how important your LinkedIn™ profile is.
Not least because it’s your shop front on LinkedIn and people will quickly make a decision about you from how you present yourself and what you say.
But . . . more and more I’m banging on about LinkedIn Company Pages – AKA LinkedIn Pages as LinkedIn now calls them.
Because LinkedIn has been busy beefing up its company page offering, introducing new features and functionality to make them a much more …
How To Build Confidence & Win More Clients By Marketing Smarter On LinkedIn™
Where the heck is that on LinkedIn™?
That’s exactly what a client said in a recent training session, when chatting through their LinkedIn challenges!
And let’s face it, it’s true!
Knowing your way around the platform can be tricky. LinkedIn likes to hide things AND move things – often without telling you!
What’s the best way to bring highly qualified hot buyers to your business?
I’m passionate about LinkedIn because I know what a valuable tool it is for business owners.
Is There Any Benefit To Customising Your LinkedIn™ Profile URL?
Do You Know The 7 Ways You Can Use Video On LinkedIn™?
Amy and I identified six ways you can use video on LinkedIn, plus, a sneaky seventh way as well!
And what better way to demonstrate one of the ways of using video on LinkedIn than by doing a LinkedIn Live!
Is there a point to LinkedIn™?
You can imagine my reaction!! 😲
However, I know there will be people who love LinkedIn and some that don’t. And I also understand that you should question the things you invest time and resources into.