LinkedIn™ LoveIns with
Judy Parsons
and guests

Are you new to LinkedIn™?

Or are you a serial ‘Linker’ with multiple years spent using the platform to build your business?

Either way, my monthly LinkedIn™ LoveIn sessions are for YOU!

“Sorry. LoveIn?”, you ask.

My 30-minute LinkedIn™ ‘lunch and learn’ online training sessions, shining a spotlight on the world’s leading B2B social platform one mid-week lunch break at a time!

They’re a forum for picking up the latest tips, tricks and best practices, from me, Judy Parsons – and subject matter guests or business owners who have harnessed the power of LinkedIn to grow their businesses.

Here’s the thing. Whether you’re a novice or a veteran, LinkedIn is driven by technology that is constantly evolving.

The minute you think you’ve mastered the methods to gain the most from using LinkedIn, up pops a new feature or process.

That’s before even contemplating the basics on best-practice searching, connecting and how to stand out from the crowd.

It’s true, you need to stay in the present.

Yet it’s tough finding the time to keep up with the latest and greatest from LinkedIn. And as a business owner, do you have any of that stuff they call spare time? Likely not.

That’s where my online training sessions step in. Because you don’t need to waste hours on end trying to crack the LinkedIn code – that’s my job!

And after spending over a decade utilising the platform, constantly fine-tuning my skills and mastering the methods to create my own successful business, I’ve many tips and tricks up my sleeve on best practices for LinkedIn - while keeping a constant eye on the platform’s evolution and roadmap to upskill my clients on everything necessary to achieve success today, and tomorrow!

LoveIns are GO!

LinkedIn LoveIns

Once a month, I’m joined by subject matter experts and business owners who are using LinkedIn successfully to share their knowledge on how to get the most out of the platform.

Together, we discuss the latest LinkedIn tips, tricks and best practices, allowing you to harness the power of the platform and grow YOUR business.

Join us to . . .

  • Learn from other business owners about how the platform works best for them
  • Hear top tips on content, video, marketing, personal branding and more
  • Enjoy interviews and discussions
  • Receive updates about what’s new on LinkedIn

Your half-hour LinkedIn™ heads up

LinkedIn LoveIns condense down STACKS of info into bite-sized, 30-minute sessions.

You can dip in and out over the months as you see fit.

If you can attend each one, great! Of course, life’s not that simple, so it’s best to attend whenever you can - I guarantee you’ll leave with a nugget or three from each one!

What do I know about LinkedIn™?

Seriously, quite a bit.

My love affair with LinkedIn began many moons ago when I realised how beneficial it was to my own company to connect with other business owners. I would say I’ve used the platform almost daily ever since, adapting alongside its evolution to make the most from all it has to offer.

Why LoveIns?

Because I strongly believe LinkedIn should be loved, not loathed, to help you grow your business. And by encouraging business owners everywhere to fall in love with LinkedIn I know they can reap the benefits and see their businesses grow too.

So let's recap

That’s Wednesdays each month with me, Judy Parsons - The LinkedIn Lady - and special guests.

And start learning and implementing #LinkedInTips in your lunch hour!